To A Hotel Someplace

The Atmospheric River that descended on California provided time for me to edit and revise several of my fiction works as well as making a variety of bakes (see abatteredoldsuitecase,com.) Luckily, the Muse of Literature was likewise housebound and hovering over my shoulder for the past three week.

I am about to release another book, this time a compilations of short and flash fiction stories. “Backstreets” is a compendium of the backstories of a number of my favorite songs. Coming soon to an Amazon book list near you. (Search Amazon for David Oney.)

The Star Alliance

This was a massive revision that (I hope) makes the book more readable and enjoyable. It’s fast paced and a quick read.

My favorite comment from a reviewer was, “You lose credibility with women as the creators of the Star Alliance. They wouldn’t have access to the men or money. You should have used men to create the deep state.” The sad part is, he meant it!

The Star Alliance is a political thriller pitting good against evil. The book originated from a short story, then a sequel to the short story, then the decision to expand the stories into a short novel. Three of the original short stories are found on this website under Short-Short Stories.

The Quantum Butterfly Effect

This was a little less severe revision than The Star Alliance, but still much improved. As any author who put pen to paper or fingers to keypad, there is always something I could do better.

This is the story of First Contact by an alien race. It takes place both 100,000 years ago, when the aliens learned intelligent life evolved on Earth, and in 2250 when they arrived. Are they the Masters or Shepherds of the universe? One person, Staff Sargent Danny Williams is the key to the ultimate destiny of the human race.

Passages To Ruth.

Ruth is currently in revision. Unfortunately, the weather changed as I finished the first revision. I cut long winded descriptions, over wordy passages and dialogs comprising 25% of the words. It’s more comprehensible and readable.

According to the Weather Channel, rain is returning to the region so I may have time (provided the muse hasn’t move away) to finish the revision.

As George Gershwin so aptly penned:
The t’ings dat yo’ li’ble
To read in de Bible,
It ain’t necessarily so.

I started writing “Passages to Ruth” between jobs in the early 2000’s. Once I retired in 2016 I turned more attention to finishing “Ruth” by completing a couple of stories that stalled mid-write and adding one more (Nashon.)

Herein are biblical matriarchs and patriarchs without their baggage, (think carry-ons only.) Meet other ancestors who, overlooked as minor characters, waiting patiently in the wings for their day on the stage. Read More ->

Road Trip! – Travels with Rosie

Rosie is patiently waiting for her day in the sun. I am not eager to tackle this revision, but I suppose it will have to be done something relatively soon.

Last July (2018) Fran and I drove from Sacramento to Vermont visiting National Parks and other points of interest, as well as special friends and family along the way. I blogged our travels every day, and upon returning home edited the posts to create the book, Road Trip! We imagined what the conversations would be had Rosie, our Havanese mix actually travelled with us.

While primarily published for my family and friends we visited on the trip, you can read our not so adventurous adventures on It’s also available on, although it is to expensive due to all the color photographs. There must be some trick that I do not know, or some skill that I do not possess to format books for Kindle properly. The photos do not align properly, the pagination sucks and overall look very amateurish. Sorry. They hardcopy version looks great. I am amazed how well the color photos reproduced.  (Although, expensive!)

Flash Fiction

In October 2017, with the Passages To Ruth put to bed, I used a prompt from my writer’s group, “Summertime, and the living is…” I chose to write the story behind the wonderful song by George Gershwin.  – Read More ->

Long, long ago, in a world lost in the misty past, I wondered about everything. Why is the sky blue?  Why didn’t people on the other side of the earth fall off the earth and up into space?  What if some of the stories we read, or were read to us, didn’t happen exactly the way they were presented?

About Dave Oney

Dave Oney was born mid last century in Middlebury, Vermont. He received his BS in Chemistry and worked as a polymer chemist in Massachusetts and New Jersey. He became a microscopist (someone who studies little bitty things using a microscope) and photomicrographer (someone who photographs little bitty things) before settling into a 35-year career in technical sales of scientific imaging equipment (the science of digitally recording itty bitty things, sending the image to a computer for analysis.) He designed and created a number of products contributing to this field. He is (was) proficient in several computer languages and is currently working on mastering English. After making a few more paradigm shift career changes Dave and his wife, Fran, retired and moved closer to their children and granddaughters and now live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas.
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